“Sometimes the only thing you feel is the weight of the bruise you are carrying inside … but you have to make a choice.”
The idea came up from our way of being and the world around us. The spark of this project was a conversation between two people with a lot in common.

They had experienced recent turbulent histories, which had left them with mixed feelings, oscillating between full and empty, sweet and bitter and both bruised and vulnerable.

What we have decided to represent is only how in the reality feelings are experienced and bruises – especially the invisible ones – continue to grow within us.

Our aim is to develop this project through the use of scenic elements which symbolize the continued possibility of choice in everyone’s life, creating something that involves everyone from an emotional point of view, giving the audience the opportunity to recognize themselves in the dancer’s feelings or emotions.

“Sometimes the only thing you feel is the weight of the bruise you are carrying inside … but you have to make a choice.”

To develop the project we plan to use our skills in combination with our previous experiences as dancers, to shape the choreography with movements that fully exploit emotions and reactions.

Bruise Gallery

Photo: Marco Gambardella